You may not use, modify, copy, distribute or transmit the contents of this site for public or commercial purposes without the written permission of Kelly Grace Smith.
Any use of this website or the information contained in the website is at your own risk. Kelly Grace Smith will not be responsible for the consequences of your decision to utilize the information contained in this website.
The information provided in this site is for educational purposes only; it is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice. Always consult your physician, healthcare provider, therapist, coach, counselor, cleric, etc. when making new choices regarding your personal and spiritual growth and development.
Kelly Grace Smith is committed to the right to privacy for our website visitors.
When a person visits our website we may collect and track data from our site's server. This information helps us to improve upon the content provided on our site. Information collected may include how long you spend on our site, the pages you visit, your browser and operating system types and the name of your Internet service provider.
Our website provides the capability to request information on line. To process your request, we may require that you provide us with personal identifying information. All information collected is held in complete confidence. It is our policy not to share the information with third parties for any reason, unless legally required to do so or as necessary to process your requests.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy or our use of information gathered through our website, please contact us at kelly@kellygracesmith.com.